PETA Vegan Homeware Award 2025 Winner

We’re excited to share that MATTR™ has been awarded the PETA Vegan Homeware Award 2025 in the category ‘Bestes veganes Material’. This recognition reinforces our mission to create high-performance, plant-based materials that push the boundaries of circular design.

Harald Ullmann, Co-Founder and Vice Chairman of PETA Germany, states: "MATTR™ stands as a prime example of animal-friendly and sustainable living. It impressively demonstrates that stylish design and ethical responsibility go hand in hand. A home without animal-derived materials is not only a victory for animals but also for the environment and humanity. May this inspiring innovation encourage other companies to develop more ethical and sustainable solutions. PETA wholeheartedly congratulates revoltech on winning the Vegan Homeware Award 2025 in the category ‘Bestes veganes Material’!”

With MATTR™, we prove that design, durability, and sustainability are not contradictions. Developed from algae and bio-based additives, it is 100% plastic-free, biodegradable, and built for circularity. This award is a testament to the future of materials—where responsibility meets performance.

Thank you, PETA, for this recognition. Let’s shape a better future together.

Morgan-Lee Wagner
PETA Vegan Homeware Award 2025 Winner

We’re excited to share that MATTR™ has been awarded the PETA Vegan Homeware Award 2025 in the category ‘Bestes veganes Material’. This recognition reinforces our mission to create high-performance, plant-based materials that push the boundaries of circular design.

Harald Ullmann, Co-Founder and Vice Chairman of PETA Germany, states: "MATTR™ stands as a prime example of animal-friendly and sustainable living. It impressively demonstrates that stylish design and ethical responsibility go hand in hand. A home without animal-derived materials is not only a victory for animals but also for the environment and humanity. May this inspiring innovation encourage other companies to develop more ethical and sustainable solutions. PETA wholeheartedly congratulates revoltech on winning the Vegan Homeware Award 2025 in the category ‘Bestes veganes Material’!”

With MATTR™, we prove that design, durability, and sustainability are not contradictions. Developed from algae and bio-based additives, it is 100% plastic-free, biodegradable, and built for circularity. This award is a testament to the future of materials—where responsibility meets performance.

Thank you, PETA, for this recognition. Let’s shape a better future together.

Morgan-Lee Wagner
German Design Award 2025 Winner

Last Friday, we had the chance to attend the German Design Award 2025 ceremony in Frankfurt—because LOVR™ was named a Winner in the Excellent Product Design – Materials and Surfaces category! This award means a lot to us. It recognizes the work we put into making sustainable materials a real, scalable alternative. A big thank you to the, the jury, and everyone who supports us on this journey.We’re motivated to keep moving forward—because better materials are already here. It’s time to put them to use.

Morgan-Lee Wagner
German Design Award 2025 Winner

Last Friday, we had the chance to attend the German Design Award 2025 ceremony in Frankfurt—because LOVR™ was named a Winner in the Excellent Product Design – Materials and Surfaces category! This award means a lot to us. It recognizes the work we put into making sustainable materials a real, scalable alternative. A big thank you to the, the jury, and everyone who supports us on this journey.We’re motivated to keep moving forward—because better materials are already here. It’s time to put them to use.

Morgan-Lee Wagner
Innovation für nachhaltige Textilien: Optimierung von Flexibilität und Haptik bei Nonwoven-Materialien

Nachhaltige Materialien gewinnen in der Textilbranche zunehmend an Bedeutung – doch oft fehlt es ihnen an der gewünschten Flexibilität und haptischen Qualität, um konventionelle Materialien wie Leder oder Kunstleder vollständig zu ersetzen. Genau hier setzt das Forschungsprojekt „EFOF - Einstellung von Flexibilität und Oberfläche eines Flächentextils“ an. Ziel ist es, mechanische Verfahren zur gezielten Optimierung von Nonwoven-Textilien im industriellen Maßstab zu entwickeln.

Nachhaltige Materialien mit optimierter Haptik
Im Mittelpunkt des Projekts steht die Weiterentwicklung unseres innovativen, lederähnlichen Materials auf Basis von Hanffasern. Dieses Material, unter dem Namen LOVR™, ist biologisch abbaubar, vegan und frei von petrochemischen Bestandteilen. Sein ökologischer Fußabdruck ist beeindruckend: Im Vergleich zu echtem Leder verursacht es 99 % weniger CO₂-Emissionen. Um LOVR™ als hochwertige Lederalternative für verschiedene Branchen – von Mode über Möbel bis hin zur Automobilindustrie – noch attraktiver zu machen, werden gezielte Verfahren entwickelt, die die Haptik und Flexibilität verbessern.

Technologische Innovationen: Walken und Schleifen
Das Projekt setzt auf zwei mechanische Verfahren, um die Materialeigenschaften gezielt anzupassen:

  • Walken: Durch ein spezielles Verfahren soll die Biegesteifigkeit von LOVR™ reduziert werden. Die innovative Nutzung von Kugelwerkzeugen erlaubt eine schonende und effektive Bearbeitung, die das Material geschmeidiger macht.
  • Schleifen: Um eine samtige, veloursartige Oberfläche zu erzeugen, werden verschiedene Schleiftechniken erprobt. Dabei steht nicht nur die Optik und Haptik im Fokus, sondern auch die Rückführung von Schleifstaub in den Produktionsprozess, um Abfälle zu vermeiden.

Industrielle Skalierung und nachhaltige Produktion
Der Erfolg dieses Projekts könnte nachhaltige Nonwoven-Materialien auf ein völlig neues Niveau heben. Die Entwicklungen werden zunächst im Labormaßstab getestet und anschließend für die industrielle Fertigung optimiert. Das Projekt wird von der EU im Rahmen des EFRE-Programms gefördert und läuft von Juni 2024 bis November 2025. Mit einem Gesamtbudget von 403.215 EUR, davon 181.447 EUR EU-Förderung, sollen die Verfahren weiterentwickelt und auf ihre industrielle Umsetzbarkeit hin erprobt werden – ein wichtiger Schritt in Richtung zukünftiger Serienreife.

Zukunftsperspektiven für nachhaltige Materialien
Die Ergebnisse dieses Forschungsprojekts könnten wegweisend für die gesamte Branche sein. LOVR™ könnte sich als umweltfreundliche Alternative zu Leder etablieren, ohne Kompromisse bei Qualität und Verarbeitung einzugehen. Unternehmen aus der Mode-, Möbel- und Automobilindustrie könnten damit einen wichtigen Schritt in Richtung Nachhaltigkeit machen – und gleichzeitig den hohen Ansprüchen an Design und Haptik gerecht werden.

Mit dieser Innovation zeigt das Projekt, wie nachhaltige Materialentwicklung und Kreislaufwirtschaft Hand in Hand gehen können.

Ein Bild, das Text, Schrift, Electric Blue (Farbe), Symbol enthält.Automatisch generierte Beschreibung

Lukas Schell
Innovation für nachhaltige Textilien: Optimierung von Flexibilität und Haptik bei Nonwoven-Materialien

Nachhaltige Materialien gewinnen in der Textilbranche zunehmend an Bedeutung – doch oft fehlt es ihnen an der gewünschten Flexibilität und haptischen Qualität, um konventionelle Materialien wie Leder oder Kunstleder vollständig zu ersetzen. Genau hier setzt das Forschungsprojekt „EFOF - Einstellung von Flexibilität und Oberfläche eines Flächentextils“ an. Ziel ist es, mechanische Verfahren zur gezielten Optimierung von Nonwoven-Textilien im industriellen Maßstab zu entwickeln.

Nachhaltige Materialien mit optimierter Haptik
Im Mittelpunkt des Projekts steht die Weiterentwicklung unseres innovativen, lederähnlichen Materials auf Basis von Hanffasern. Dieses Material, unter dem Namen LOVR™, ist biologisch abbaubar, vegan und frei von petrochemischen Bestandteilen. Sein ökologischer Fußabdruck ist beeindruckend: Im Vergleich zu echtem Leder verursacht es 99 % weniger CO₂-Emissionen. Um LOVR™ als hochwertige Lederalternative für verschiedene Branchen – von Mode über Möbel bis hin zur Automobilindustrie – noch attraktiver zu machen, werden gezielte Verfahren entwickelt, die die Haptik und Flexibilität verbessern.

Technologische Innovationen: Walken und Schleifen
Das Projekt setzt auf zwei mechanische Verfahren, um die Materialeigenschaften gezielt anzupassen:

  • Walken: Durch ein spezielles Verfahren soll die Biegesteifigkeit von LOVR™ reduziert werden. Die innovative Nutzung von Kugelwerkzeugen erlaubt eine schonende und effektive Bearbeitung, die das Material geschmeidiger macht.
  • Schleifen: Um eine samtige, veloursartige Oberfläche zu erzeugen, werden verschiedene Schleiftechniken erprobt. Dabei steht nicht nur die Optik und Haptik im Fokus, sondern auch die Rückführung von Schleifstaub in den Produktionsprozess, um Abfälle zu vermeiden.

Industrielle Skalierung und nachhaltige Produktion
Der Erfolg dieses Projekts könnte nachhaltige Nonwoven-Materialien auf ein völlig neues Niveau heben. Die Entwicklungen werden zunächst im Labormaßstab getestet und anschließend für die industrielle Fertigung optimiert. Das Projekt wird von der EU im Rahmen des EFRE-Programms gefördert und läuft von Juni 2024 bis November 2025. Mit einem Gesamtbudget von 403.215 EUR, davon 181.447 EUR EU-Förderung, sollen die Verfahren weiterentwickelt und auf ihre industrielle Umsetzbarkeit hin erprobt werden – ein wichtiger Schritt in Richtung zukünftiger Serienreife.

Zukunftsperspektiven für nachhaltige Materialien
Die Ergebnisse dieses Forschungsprojekts könnten wegweisend für die gesamte Branche sein. LOVR™ könnte sich als umweltfreundliche Alternative zu Leder etablieren, ohne Kompromisse bei Qualität und Verarbeitung einzugehen. Unternehmen aus der Mode-, Möbel- und Automobilindustrie könnten damit einen wichtigen Schritt in Richtung Nachhaltigkeit machen – und gleichzeitig den hohen Ansprüchen an Design und Haptik gerecht werden.

Mit dieser Innovation zeigt das Projekt, wie nachhaltige Materialentwicklung und Kreislaufwirtschaft Hand in Hand gehen können.

Ein Bild, das Text, Schrift, Electric Blue (Farbe), Symbol enthält.Automatisch generierte Beschreibung

Lukas Schell
Innovation for Sustainable Textiles: Optimizing Flexibility and Haptics in Nonwoven Materials

Sustainable materials are becoming increasingly important in the textile industry. However, they often lack the necessary flexibility and tactile quality to fully replace conventional materials like leather or synthetic alternatives. This is precisely where the research project “EFOF – Adjusting Flexibility and Surface of a Textile Sheet” comes in. The goal is to develop mechanical processes that optimize nonwoven textiles on an industrial scale.

Sustainable Materials with Enhanced Haptics
At the heart of the project is the further development of our innovative, leather-like material made from hemp fibers. This material, known as LOVR™, is biodegradable, vegan, and free from petrochemical components. Its environmental footprint is remarkable: compared to real leather, it reduces CO₂ emissions by 99%. To make LOVR™ an even more attractive leather alternative across industries—from fashion and furniture to automotive—targeted processes are being developed to improve its flexibility and haptics.

Technological Innovations: Sanding and Softening
The project focuses on two mechanical processing techniques to fine-tune the material’s properties:

  • Sanding: A specialized process aims to reduce the bending stiffness of LOVR™. The innovative use of ball tools allows for gentle yet effective treatment, making the material softer and more pliable.
  • Softening: Various grinding techniques are being tested to create a velvety, suede-like surface. The focus is not only on improving aesthetics and haptics but also on reintegrating grinding dust into the production cycle to minimize waste.

Industrial Scaling and Sustainable Production
This project has the potential to elevate sustainable nonwoven materials to an entirely new level. The developments will first be tested on a laboratory scale and then optimized for industrial production. The project is funded by the EU as part of the EFRE program and runs from June 2024 to November 2025. With a total budget of €403,215, including €181,447 in EU funding, the aim is to refine these processes and evaluate their industrial feasibility—a crucial step toward future mass production.

Future Prospects for Sustainable Materials
The results of this research project could be groundbreaking for the entire industry. LOVR™ has the potential to establish itself as an environmentally friendly leather alternative without compromising on quality or processability. Companies in fashion, furniture, and automotive could take a significant step toward sustainability while still meeting high design and haptic standards.

This innovation demonstrates how sustainable material development and circular economy principles can go hand in hand.

Lukas Schell
Innovation for Sustainable Textiles: Optimizing Flexibility and Haptics in Nonwoven Materials

Sustainable materials are becoming increasingly important in the textile industry. However, they often lack the necessary flexibility and tactile quality to fully replace conventional materials like leather or synthetic alternatives. This is precisely where the research project “EFOF – Adjusting Flexibility and Surface of a Textile Sheet” comes in. The goal is to develop mechanical processes that optimize nonwoven textiles on an industrial scale.

Sustainable Materials with Enhanced Haptics
At the heart of the project is the further development of our innovative, leather-like material made from hemp fibers. This material, known as LOVR™, is biodegradable, vegan, and free from petrochemical components. Its environmental footprint is remarkable: compared to real leather, it reduces CO₂ emissions by 99%. To make LOVR™ an even more attractive leather alternative across industries—from fashion and furniture to automotive—targeted processes are being developed to improve its flexibility and haptics.

Technological Innovations: Sanding and Softening
The project focuses on two mechanical processing techniques to fine-tune the material’s properties:

  • Sanding: A specialized process aims to reduce the bending stiffness of LOVR™. The innovative use of ball tools allows for gentle yet effective treatment, making the material softer and more pliable.
  • Softening: Various grinding techniques are being tested to create a velvety, suede-like surface. The focus is not only on improving aesthetics and haptics but also on reintegrating grinding dust into the production cycle to minimize waste.

Industrial Scaling and Sustainable Production
This project has the potential to elevate sustainable nonwoven materials to an entirely new level. The developments will first be tested on a laboratory scale and then optimized for industrial production. The project is funded by the EU as part of the EFRE program and runs from June 2024 to November 2025. With a total budget of €403,215, including €181,447 in EU funding, the aim is to refine these processes and evaluate their industrial feasibility—a crucial step toward future mass production.

Future Prospects for Sustainable Materials
The results of this research project could be groundbreaking for the entire industry. LOVR™ has the potential to establish itself as an environmentally friendly leather alternative without compromising on quality or processability. Companies in fashion, furniture, and automotive could take a significant step toward sustainability while still meeting high design and haptic standards.

This innovation demonstrates how sustainable material development and circular economy principles can go hand in hand.

Lukas Schell
Public funding for transition to circular economy

Today, we are very excited to share another of our publicly funded projects with you. Our research & development aiming to replace leather (both real and traditional artificial leather) with fully circular materials is funded by the EU! Specifically, the development of MATTR is funded with a 50k€ grant under the Up2Circ programme.

Up2Circ is an international project, funded by the European Commission’s Horizon Europe programme. The project aims to accelerate and scale up the transition of European small and medium sized companies towards a circular economy.

We are incredibly happy and honoured to have been chosen for this EU funding programme in its first ever round.

Disclaimer: Funded by the European Union. Views and opinions expressed are however those of the author(s) only and do not necessarily reflect those of the European Union or European Health and Digital Executive Agency (HADEA). Neither the European Union nor the granting authority can be held responsible for them.

Christian Boxheimer
Public funding for transition to circular economy

Today, we are very excited to share another of our publicly funded projects with you. Our research & development aiming to replace leather (both real and traditional artificial leather) with fully circular materials is funded by the EU! Specifically, the development of MATTR is funded with a 50k€ grant under the Up2Circ programme.

Up2Circ is an international project, funded by the European Commission’s Horizon Europe programme. The project aims to accelerate and scale up the transition of European small and medium sized companies towards a circular economy.

We are incredibly happy and honoured to have been chosen for this EU funding programme in its first ever round.

Disclaimer: Funded by the European Union. Views and opinions expressed are however those of the author(s) only and do not necessarily reflect those of the European Union or European Health and Digital Executive Agency (HADEA). Neither the European Union nor the granting authority can be held responsible for them.

Christian Boxheimer
Public funding for our marketing: push!

As of July 2024, the Hessisches Ministerium für Wirtschaft, Energie, Verkehr, Wohnen und ländlichen Raum is supporting our marketing activities with a 50k€ grant under the push!-programme. push! is a start-up-stipendium that aims to enable innovative founders to turn their ideas into viable business models. In our specific case, the grant was awarded for our market entry with LOVR™ and the accompanying marketing activities.

A big, big thank you to the Hessisches Ministerium für Wirtschaft, Energie, Verkehr, Wohnen und ländlichen Raum for the support! If you have already visited our redesigned website, you know that it was definitely worth it.

Christian Boxheimer
Public funding for our marketing: push!

As of July 2024, the Hessisches Ministerium für Wirtschaft, Energie, Verkehr, Wohnen und ländlichen Raum is supporting our marketing activities with a 50k€ grant under the push!-programme. push! is a start-up-stipendium that aims to enable innovative founders to turn their ideas into viable business models. In our specific case, the grant was awarded for our market entry with LOVR™ and the accompanying marketing activities.

A big, big thank you to the Hessisches Ministerium für Wirtschaft, Energie, Verkehr, Wohnen und ländlichen Raum for the support! If you have already visited our redesigned website, you know that it was definitely worth it.

Christian Boxheimer
Public funding for our innovation: Landwirtschaftliche Rentenbank supports LOVR™with start-up grant

We are delighted to share that the Landwirtschaftliche Rentenbank is supporting LOVR™ with a subordinated loan of €750,000! With a ten-year term, this funding provides the financial foundation to take our market launch to the next level.

What makes this funding so special? In addition to the attractive term and flexible conditions, the loan covers areas that are often overlooked in public funding, including:
- Salaries in marketing and business development,
- Room costs,
- Vehicle leasing.

In addition, we are supported with an innovation voucher worth €50,000! This support underlines the continued support of the Rentenbank for innovative projects in german agriculture and the confidence in our mission to create recyclable alternatives for a sustainable future.

A big thank you goes to Rentenbank and the Bundesministerium für Ernährung und Landwirtschaft (BMEL) for this incredible support. Together, we are working to drive innovation and shape the future of our economy.

Christian Boxheimer
Public funding for our innovation: Landwirtschaftliche Rentenbank supports LOVR™with start-up grant

We are delighted to share that the Landwirtschaftliche Rentenbank is supporting LOVR™ with a subordinated loan of €750,000! With a ten-year term, this funding provides the financial foundation to take our market launch to the next level.

What makes this funding so special? In addition to the attractive term and flexible conditions, the loan covers areas that are often overlooked in public funding, including:
- Salaries in marketing and business development,
- Room costs,
- Vehicle leasing.

In addition, we are supported with an innovation voucher worth €50,000! This support underlines the continued support of the Rentenbank for innovative projects in german agriculture and the confidence in our mission to create recyclable alternatives for a sustainable future.

A big thank you goes to Rentenbank and the Bundesministerium für Ernährung und Landwirtschaft (BMEL) for this incredible support. Together, we are working to drive innovation and shape the future of our economy.

Christian Boxheimer
Custom table, covered in LOVR™

Starting the year with fresh energy and a fresh look for our conference room! Our new custom table, covered in LOVR™, stands out for its durability, performance, and premium feel—all while being 100% bio-based. A heartfelt thank you to our friend Till Hubl and the talented team at Hubl und Hubl GmbH for their outstanding craftsmanship. We’re thrilled to be working together at this table—it’s already inspiring great conversations and ideas!

Photo credit: Jan Schoelzl
Montgomery Wagner
Custom table, covered in LOVR™

Starting the year with fresh energy and a fresh look for our conference room! Our new custom table, covered in LOVR™, stands out for its durability, performance, and premium feel—all while being 100% bio-based. A heartfelt thank you to our friend Till Hubl and the talented team at Hubl und Hubl GmbH for their outstanding craftsmanship. We’re thrilled to be working together at this table—it’s already inspiring great conversations and ideas!

Photo credit: Jan Schoelzl
Montgomery Wagner
Reflecting on 2024

What a year. Seriously. We’ve been sprinting from one milestone to the next, and while we’re proud of what we’ve achieved, we’re also ready to put our feet up for a while. This year brought us awards, new materials, exciting collaborations, and plenty of moments to celebrate. But it’s also been a reminder that even when you love what you do, a break is important—and we’re definitely ready for one. Before we hit pause, here’s a quick look at everything 2024 brought our way.

Morgan-Lee Wagner
Reflecting on 2024

What a year. Seriously. We’ve been sprinting from one milestone to the next, and while we’re proud of what we’ve achieved, we’re also ready to put our feet up for a while. This year brought us awards, new materials, exciting collaborations, and plenty of moments to celebrate. But it’s also been a reminder that even when you love what you do, a break is important—and we’re definitely ready for one. Before we hit pause, here’s a quick look at everything 2024 brought our way.

Morgan-Lee Wagner
Moments That Made Us Smile

This year, we got a lot of love for what we’ve been working on. In May, LOVR™ won the Green Product Award, which made us feel all warm and fuzzy. In April, we picked up the Techtextil Innovation Award, and in October, we snagged the German Design Award 2025 for "Excellent Product Design – Materials and Surfaces." To top it all off, November brought the German Farm Start-up Award by Innovate!, which felt like a pretty big deal. It’s been a good year for trophies.

Morgan-Lee Wagner
Moments That Made Us Smile

This year, we got a lot of love for what we’ve been working on. In May, LOVR™ won the Green Product Award, which made us feel all warm and fuzzy. In April, we picked up the Techtextil Innovation Award, and in October, we snagged the German Design Award 2025 for "Excellent Product Design – Materials and Surfaces." To top it all off, November brought the German Farm Start-up Award by Innovate!, which felt like a pretty big deal. It’s been a good year for trophies.

Morgan-Lee Wagner
Making it MATTR™

This November, we launched MATTR™, and we’re really excited about it. It’s algae-based, soft, flexible, and biodegradable—a completely different kind of material that we’ve been working on for a while. Why algae? Because it’s renewable, grows super-fast, and doesn’t need much to thrive (it even grows in wastewater!). We’re inviting early partners to get involved as we keep refining it, but for now, MATTR™ is already showing us how good the future can feel.

Photo credit: Jan Schoelzel

Morgan-Lee Wagner
Making it MATTR™

This November, we launched MATTR™, and we’re really excited about it. It’s algae-based, soft, flexible, and biodegradable—a completely different kind of material that we’ve been working on for a while. Why algae? Because it’s renewable, grows super-fast, and doesn’t need much to thrive (it even grows in wastewater!). We’re inviting early partners to get involved as we keep refining it, but for now, MATTR™ is already showing us how good the future can feel.

Photo credit: Jan Schoelzel

Morgan-Lee Wagner
Where We Showed Up

This year, we hit the road to share our work and connect with people who inspire us. From Heimtextil in January to Techtextil in April, and Outdoor by ISPO in June, we’ve been busy. December was especially packed with Circular Republic, ISPO, and GPCA Nexus. We’ve learned a lot, shared a lot, and maybe even over-caffeinated a bit along the way.

Morgan-Lee Wagner
Where We Showed Up

This year, we hit the road to share our work and connect with people who inspire us. From Heimtextil in January to Techtextil in April, and Outdoor by ISPO in June, we’ve been busy. December was especially packed with Circular Republic, ISPO, and GPCA Nexus. We’ve learned a lot, shared a lot, and maybe even over-caffeinated a bit along the way.

Morgan-Lee Wagner
Telling Our Story

Some of our favorite moments this year came from conversations. Whether it was presenting at Stiftung Entrepreneurship in March or our off-site meeting in July (complete with snacks), we’ve grown as a team and as a company. October’s Entrepreneurship Summit and Growth Alliance AgriFood session were big highlights, reminding us why we’re all in this together.

Morgan-Lee Wagner
Telling Our Story

Some of our favorite moments this year came from conversations. Whether it was presenting at Stiftung Entrepreneurship in March or our off-site meeting in July (complete with snacks), we’ve grown as a team and as a company. October’s Entrepreneurship Summit and Growth Alliance AgriFood session were big highlights, reminding us why we’re all in this together.

Morgan-Lee Wagner
A Huge Thanks

2024 has been a year of incredible support. In July, we received the push! grant from Hessen’s Ministry of Economics, giving us a boost to keep innovating. October saw the successful completion of the LOEWE 3 project, a key milestone with excellent results. We were also awarded Up2Circ funding to drive circular material development and secured a FEiU grant for new research projects.

November took things to a whole new level. We received a Start-up Grant from the Ministry of Agriculture and Rentenbank, which will help us scale up our work like never before. To top it off, we were granted funding for the KMUi-BÖ08 project, which will further advance our mission. These contributions make everything we do possible, and we can’t say thank you enough.

Photo credit: Jan Schoelzel

Morgan-Lee Wagner
A Huge Thanks

2024 has been a year of incredible support. In July, we received the push! grant from Hessen’s Ministry of Economics, giving us a boost to keep innovating. October saw the successful completion of the LOEWE 3 project, a key milestone with excellent results. We were also awarded Up2Circ funding to drive circular material development and secured a FEiU grant for new research projects.

November took things to a whole new level. We received a Start-up Grant from the Ministry of Agriculture and Rentenbank, which will help us scale up our work like never before. To top it off, we were granted funding for the KMUi-BÖ08 project, which will further advance our mission. These contributions make everything we do possible, and we can’t say thank you enough.

Photo credit: Jan Schoelzel

Morgan-Lee Wagner
Working Together

This year, we teamed up with some incredible partners. We worked with ID Genève Watches in July, kicked off a project with Volkswagen in August, and collaborated with Husarska Design Studio at Dutch Design Week in October. November brought the launch of MATTR™ and a partnership with Les Mains Bleues. Oh, and getting the Spin-Off Label from TU Darmstadt felt pretty special too.

Photo credit: ID Genève Watches

Morgan-Lee Wagner
Working Together

This year, we teamed up with some incredible partners. We worked with ID Genève Watches in July, kicked off a project with Volkswagen in August, and collaborated with Husarska Design Studio at Dutch Design Week in October. November brought the launch of MATTR™ and a partnership with Les Mains Bleues. Oh, and getting the Spin-Off Label from TU Darmstadt felt pretty special too.

Photo credit: ID Genève Watches

Morgan-Lee Wagner
Time for a Break

We’ve covered a lot here, but honestly, this is just the tip of the iceberg. There’s so much more we could talk about, but this blogpost would get way too long! Psst… we’ve also been working behind the scenes on some exciting updates—think fresh visuals and background improvements. Stay tuned, because we can’t wait to show you what’s next.

For now, it’s time to rest, recharge, and spend some time with loved ones. To everyone who’s supported us, collaborated with us, or cheered us on—thank you. You’ve been a huge part of this journey, and we couldn’t do it without you.

Here’s to a bright, exciting 2025—but first, a well-earned break. See you next year!

Photo credit: Jan Schoelzel

Morgan-Lee Wagner
Time for a Break

We’ve covered a lot here, but honestly, this is just the tip of the iceberg. There’s so much more we could talk about, but this blogpost would get way too long! Psst… we’ve also been working behind the scenes on some exciting updates—think fresh visuals and background improvements. Stay tuned, because we can’t wait to show you what’s next.

For now, it’s time to rest, recharge, and spend some time with loved ones. To everyone who’s supported us, collaborated with us, or cheered us on—thank you. You’ve been a huge part of this journey, and we couldn’t do it without you.

Here’s to a bright, exciting 2025—but first, a well-earned break. See you next year!

Photo credit: Jan Schoelzel

Morgan-Lee Wagner
Introducing MATTR™
Photo credit: Jan Schoelzel

At revoltech, we believe in creating materials that truly matter. That’s why we’re thrilled to introduce MATTR™, a new algae-based, biodegradable material designed to make a real difference for our planet and the industries we serve. Following the success of LOVR™, MATTR™ is the next step in our journey to rethink how materials are made and used.

MATTR™ is crafted from sustainably sourced algae, a resource that grows quickly and absorbs carbon dioxide, making it a natural ally in reducing environmental impact. By using algae as a primary ingredient, we’ve developed a material that’s not only biodegradable but also free from toxins and microplastics. From the moment it’s produced to the end of its lifecycle, MATTR™ is as kind to the environment as it is versatile in its applications.

With a texture that’s soft yet durable, MATTR™ offers a unique, organic feel that evolves beautifully with use. It brings a refined, natural warmth to every product it touches, whether it’s in fashion, packaging, or interior design. Designed to fit seamlessly into a circular economy, MATTR™ breaks down fully after its use, leaving no trace behind.

We see MATTR™ as more than just a material—it’s a call to action. A chance for industries to rethink their reliance on synthetic materials and take a step toward sustainability. We’re inviting collaborators across industries to join us in refining MATTR™ and bringing it to life on a larger scale. Together, we can create products that are better for the planet and just as practical and beautiful as they need to be.

MATTR™ is about making things better—because every choice, every material, and every step matters.

Morgan-Lee Wagner
Introducing MATTR™
Photo credit: Jan Schoelzel

At revoltech, we believe in creating materials that truly matter. That’s why we’re thrilled to introduce MATTR™, a new algae-based, biodegradable material designed to make a real difference for our planet and the industries we serve. Following the success of LOVR™, MATTR™ is the next step in our journey to rethink how materials are made and used.

MATTR™ is crafted from sustainably sourced algae, a resource that grows quickly and absorbs carbon dioxide, making it a natural ally in reducing environmental impact. By using algae as a primary ingredient, we’ve developed a material that’s not only biodegradable but also free from toxins and microplastics. From the moment it’s produced to the end of its lifecycle, MATTR™ is as kind to the environment as it is versatile in its applications.

With a texture that’s soft yet durable, MATTR™ offers a unique, organic feel that evolves beautifully with use. It brings a refined, natural warmth to every product it touches, whether it’s in fashion, packaging, or interior design. Designed to fit seamlessly into a circular economy, MATTR™ breaks down fully after its use, leaving no trace behind.

We see MATTR™ as more than just a material—it’s a call to action. A chance for industries to rethink their reliance on synthetic materials and take a step toward sustainability. We’re inviting collaborators across industries to join us in refining MATTR™ and bringing it to life on a larger scale. Together, we can create products that are better for the planet and just as practical and beautiful as they need to be.

MATTR™ is about making things better—because every choice, every material, and every step matters.

Morgan-Lee Wagner
Unveiling the story of LOVR™

Tocco published an interview with us.

"We envisioned a material that could break the cycle of dependency on fossil fuels, opting instead for something rooted in nature. LOVR™ is the result—a hemp-based, fully biodegradable leather alternative that meets the highest standards of sustainability and functionality. Our journey started with an idea and has grown into a mission to revolutionize the textile industry, making sustainability the norm rather than the exception."

For the full article, visit Tocco.

Morgan-Lee Wagner
Unveiling the story of LOVR™

Tocco published an interview with us.

"We envisioned a material that could break the cycle of dependency on fossil fuels, opting instead for something rooted in nature. LOVR™ is the result—a hemp-based, fully biodegradable leather alternative that meets the highest standards of sustainability and functionality. Our journey started with an idea and has grown into a mission to revolutionize the textile industry, making sustainability the norm rather than the exception."

For the full article, visit Tocco.

Morgan-Lee Wagner
Green Product Award 2024

We are incredibly proud and delighted to announce that we have won yet another award in such a short time - the Green Product Award 2024.

We would like to thank Green Product Award for this chance to show our project to the world and for the opportunity to get to know other participants and interesting projects.

Since 2013, the international Green Product Award has been honoring products and services that stand out in terms of design, innovation and sustainability. Our innovative LOVR™ product won the Green Product Award 2024 in the „New Materials“ category during the award ceremony on April 30th at the Nordic Embassies in Berlin.

We would like to thank the jury represented by Katarzyna Dulko-Gaszyna, Uwe Melichar, Prof. Claus-Christian Eckhardt and Katja Keienburg for highlighting our product and giving us the honour of winning this year's award.

Montgomery Wagner
Green Product Award 2024

We are incredibly proud and delighted to announce that we have won yet another award in such a short time - the Green Product Award 2024.

We would like to thank Green Product Award for this chance to show our project to the world and for the opportunity to get to know other participants and interesting projects.

Since 2013, the international Green Product Award has been honoring products and services that stand out in terms of design, innovation and sustainability. Our innovative LOVR™ product won the Green Product Award 2024 in the „New Materials“ category during the award ceremony on April 30th at the Nordic Embassies in Berlin.

We would like to thank the jury represented by Katarzyna Dulko-Gaszyna, Uwe Melichar, Prof. Claus-Christian Eckhardt and Katja Keienburg for highlighting our product and giving us the honour of winning this year's award.

Montgomery Wagner
We won the Techtextil Innovation Award 2024
Photo credit: Thomas Fedra / Messe Frankfurt

We are delighted to announce that on the 23th of April 2024 we have been awarded the Techtextil Innovation Award! We would like to thank Techtextil for giving us the opportunity to present our pioneering project. Our innovative product LOVR™  has been recognised in the "New Concept" category.

Winning the Techtextil Innovation Award is a great honour for us and reinforces our commitment to promoting sustainable materials. We are delighted and deeply grateful for this recognition!

Lucas Fuhrmann
We won the Techtextil Innovation Award 2024
Photo credit: Thomas Fedra / Messe Frankfurt

We are delighted to announce that on the 23th of April 2024 we have been awarded the Techtextil Innovation Award! We would like to thank Techtextil for giving us the opportunity to present our pioneering project. Our innovative product LOVR™  has been recognised in the "New Concept" category.

Winning the Techtextil Innovation Award is a great honour for us and reinforces our commitment to promoting sustainable materials. We are delighted and deeply grateful for this recognition!

Lucas Fuhrmann